Sometimes Ad Blockers can cause issues with FarmRaise Tracks and how the screen shows up. Most of the time it will be a green screen with the logo in the center.
Some common Ad Blockers that have caused issues in the past:
Duck Duck Go
AdBlock Plus (ABP)
uBlock Origin
Privacy Badger
Poper Blocker
Fair AdBlocker
Norton Safe Search
A great thing is that you can turn off your ad blocker for only certain websites such as so that you can access Tracks with no issues!
For Google Chrome with AdBlock or AdBlock Plus
Open Google Chrome
Launch the Chrome browser and navigate to the website you want to disable the ad blocker for (e.g.,
Access the AdBlock Icon
Click on the
orAdBlock Plus
icon in the top-right corner of the browser (looks like a stop sign with a hand or ABP).You may also need to click on the puzzle piece to see the extensions that you have.
Disable Ad Blocking for the Site
In the dropdown menu, click on
Don't run on pages on this site
orPause on this site
.Refresh the page to apply the changes.
For Firefox with AdBlock or AdBlock Plus
Open Firefox
Launch the Firefox browser and navigate to
Access the AdBlock Icon
Click on the
orAdBlock Plus
icon in the top-right corner of the browser.
Disable Ad Blocking for the Site
Disable on
orPause on this site
.Refresh the page to apply the changes.
For Microsoft Edge with AdBlock or AdBlock Plus
Open Microsoft Edge
Launch the Edge browser and navigate to
Access the AdBlock Icon
Click on the
orAdBlock Plus
icon in the top-right corner of the browser.
Disable Ad Blocking for the Site
Click on
Don't run on pages on this site
orPause on this site
.Refresh the page to apply the changes.
For Safari with AdBlock or AdBlock Plus
Open Safari
Launch the Safari browser and navigate to
Access the AdBlock Icon
Click on the
orAdBlock Plus
icon in the toolbar (looks like a stop sign with a hand or ABP).
Disable Ad Blocking for the Site
orDisable on
.Refresh the page to apply the changes.
For Other Ad Blockers (uBlock Origin, etc.)
Open Your Browser
Launch your browser and navigate to
Access the Ad Blocker Icon
Click on the
uBlock Origin
icon or the icon of your installed ad blocker in the top-right corner of the browser.You may need click the puzzle piece in the top right corner or explore the menu to find the ad blocking logo.
Disable Ad Blocking for the Site
Click on the power button icon to disable the ad blocker for the current site.
Refresh the page to apply the changes.
By following these steps, you can disable ad blockers for a specific website like while keeping them active for other sites.