π Found a bug? We want to know! We believe in continuous improvement, and your valuable feedback can help us improve your experience.
How it works:
Report a Bug: If you come across any glitches, quirks, or unexpected behavior in our app, let us know!
Submit Details: Work with us to get us the details about what happened so we can reproduce the issue.
Earn $30 in Gear: As a token of our appreciation, we'll reward you with $30 worth of awesome swag from our exclusive collection here: https://farmraise.myshopify.com/
Why Participate?
Help Improve the App: Your feedback directly contributes to making our app better for all our farmers
Get Cool Swag: Enjoy exclusive merchandise as a thank you for your contribution.
Be a Valued Member: Join our community of bug hunters and play a crucial role in shaping the future of our app.
Ready to contribute? Report a bug now and claim your $30 in swag by emailing [email protected] or by clicking the green circle at the right bottom corner of your screen.
Thank you for being a part of FarmRaise and helping us build something exceptional!