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Verify and report your practices for the Missouri CRCL Project
Verify and report your practices for the Missouri CRCL Project

How to verify and report on your practices for the Missouri CRCL Project

Sami Tellatin avatar
Written by Sami Tellatin
Updated over a week ago

In order to get paid for your Missouri CRCL Project practice activities, you need to verify that you've done the work. The Missouri CRCL Project is leveraging the FarmRaise Tracks web and mobile application to enable easy practice activity reporting and verification.

Here's how to access the app and do your verification. You can do this any time you get a new receipt relevant to the grant activity or do a new implementation of a practice in the field. You can submit multiple pieces of evidence for the same activity or field.

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How to verify your practice activities using the mobile app

  • Download FarmRaise Tracks from the app store on your iPhone or Android. It's free and it works offline!

  • Sign in using your Missouri CRCL Project account credentials.

    • Forgot your credentials? No problem, simply enter your email and hit "Forgot password" to reset it.

  • (First time sign in only) You will see a screen asking if you want to set up a Tracks account or just do your verification reporting.

  • (First time sign in only) If you click "Skip for now", you'll go directly to the Verification Reporting screen.

  • If you click "Set up Tracks", you'll see a couple of screens asking for some information to set up your account. First is the type of products you produce or raise. Select at least one product and press Continue.

  • (First time sign in only) Next, you will be asked if you want to link a bank account. Click Connect My Bank Account and follow the instructions, or Skip if you don't want to do this,

  • (First time sign in only) If you chose not to link a bank account, you'll be asked to enter an account name and type manually. Enter a bank name and pick an account type and click Save.

  • Once you sign in, you will see a banner directing you to the "Grant Reporting" section. Click this banner.

  • Click on the "Missouri CRCL Project" section.

  • Select your incentive program.

  • Each time you do an activity related to your Missouri CRCL Project program, log it in this section by clicking "Add" in the top right of the screen.

  • You will need to do the following each time you add an activity:

    • Give the activity a name (ie: "Plant cover crops on 2 fields")

    • Associate it with the right farms, tracts and fields

    • Give a brief description of what was done (ie: "drilled 50 lb of cereal rye in fields 14 and 15")

    • Add a photo, either of the practice being implemented or of the receipt that proves you did the practice

  • Once you've created the activity, you can let the Missouri CRCL Project know, so that they can pay you, by clicking "Submit Report." It will send them an email with the information you added for that activity. Make sure to hit, "Yes, I'm sure" after you elect to "submit report."

  • Hit: "Yes, I'm sure" to send a notification to Missouri CRCL Project with your new verification data. You can also go back and do this later.

  • You'll be able to see a history of all verification activities you've created and whether you've submitted them to the Missouri CRCL Project in the app.

How to verify your practice activities on a desktop computer / web browser

  • Navigate to within your browser.

  • Sign in using your Missouri CRCL Project account credentials.

    • Forgot your credentials? No problem, simply enter your email and hit "Forgot password" to reset it.

  • Once you're signed in, navigate to the Tracks feature by clicking "Tracks" on the top of the Dashboard navigation menu. You can also get there directly by going to:

Navigate to the Tracks feature in your Dashboard
  • (First time sign in only) You will see a screen asking if you want to set up a Tracks account or just do your verification reporting.

  • (First time sign in only) If you click "Skip for now", you'll go directly to the Verification Reporting screen.

  • If you click "Set up Tracks", you'll see a couple of screens asking for some information to set up your account. First is the type of products you produce or raise. Select at least one product and press Continue.

  • (First time sign in only) Enter a bank name and pick an account type and click Save.

  • When you are in the Tracks app, you will see a banner directing you to the "Grant Reporting" section. Click this banner.

  • Click on the "Missouri CRCL Project" section.

  • Select your incentive program.

  • Each time you do an activity related to your Missouri CRCL Project program, log it in this section by clicking "Add" in the top right of the screen.

  • You will need to do the following each time you add an activity:

    • Give the activity a name (ie: "Plant cover crops on 2 fields")

    • Associate it with the right farms, tracts and fields

    • Give a brief description of what was done (ie: "drilled 50 lb of cereal rye in fields 14 and 15")

    • Add a photo, either of the practice being implemented or of the receipt that proves you did the practice

  • Once you've created the activity, you can let the Missouri CRCL Project know, so that they can pay you, by clicking "Submit Report." It will send them an email with the information you added for that activity.

  • You'll be able to see a history of all verification activities you've created and whether you've submitted them to the Missouri CRCL Project in the app.

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