How do I confirm practice implementation and provide reporting information?
Once the practice is implemented, producers must provide the following information prior to being issued a payment:
Upload a photograph of the practice implemented in the field OR a receipt of the materials purchased to implement the practice (a list of materials that are appropriate for each practice can be found on each incentive payment program website) through your application account.
Complete the reporting information (as required by USDA).
A subset of all participants may also be asked to have soil samples taken on their field.
Once the producer has provided all of the requested information, the University of Missouri will issue their payment.
The timeline for implementation and payments will be communicated to you if you are approved for the incentive payment. Please note that this project is funded through the USDA-NRCS Partnerships for Climate-smart Commodities program. The USDA requires that we collect additional information regarding your farm and farm practices. This information will be gathered before the final payment.
If you have any additional questions about the Missouri CRCL project you can send them to: [email protected]