A farm loan could be a great way to get your business up and running.
We typically recommend the following:
First, get in touch with your local Farm Credit institution to share your situation and financing need. You can find your local Farm Credit institution by entering your zip code here and calling the number that pops up: https://farmcredit.com/states
If Farm Credit is interested, great! You can follow their steps to apply. They will require you to submit some financial statements and fill out some forms. If you need help with that, you can sign up for FarmRaise Premium and our team will help you troubleshoot the paperwork during Office Hours.
If Farm Credit is not interested, you should ask them for a loan denial letter.
If FSA doesn't work out, or the above options just don't work for your situation, then you might want to check out some alternative sources of funding like Steward or HarvestReturns.
Most lenders will want to know:
Your previous farm management experience
Your credit situation
Your total financing need
Whether you have any collateral for the loan
Be prepared to address these points! Got questions? Let us know at [email protected].
Learn more about FarmCredit here:
Learn more about Steward here: